The smart way to charge your EV

Power your EV with the most sustainable energy available
whilst enjoying ease, cost efficiency and remote-control
capabilities. Plug in today. Drive tomorrow. Start charging
today and save costs. Manage your charging experience
seamlessly, all from your phone. Download the Electric Miles
app for free on your device.

Make EV charging a
family-friendly experience.

Our app allows you to share access with family members easily, ensuring everyone can charge their vehicles conveniently.

Why do drivers choose us?

Charge success rate


Chargers supported


Total cost saved
by smart charging

£ 300k+

Successful charging


Total energy


Savings with off-
peak smart charging

£ 766.5 

Explore Our Features 

Take Control of Your EV Charging with Electric Miles.


Smart charging

Boost charging



Time &
Money Savings

Multi User

Multi Charger

Advance History

Plug in &
Charge using RFID

Solar Integration

Customer Support

Automated Charging Schedules

Save money and optimise energy use with
schedules that automatically adjust to off-peak

Smart charging

Save money and optimise energy use with
intelligent schedules that adapt to dynamic rates.

Boost charging

Need a quick top-up? Activate instant charging
whenever you need it..

Real-Time Notifications

Stay informed with instant alerts for charging
session start, stop, and any issues.


Reduce your carbon footprint and energy bills by
going electric, make a difference, one charge at a

Time & Money Savings

Take advantage of cheaper off-peak tariffs for cost-
effective charging. support team is always here to

Multi User Management

Invite family, roommates, or renters to share your
charger with unique access codes. Enjoy peace of
mind knowing only authorised users can charge.

Multi-charger Management

Manage multiple charging stations from a single
account, perfect for holiday homes or rental

Advance History

Gain detailed insights into your charging habits with
filters by user or location.

Plug in & Charge using RFID

Enjoy contactless charging with optional RFID cards
for a hassle-free experience.

Solar Integration

Maximise Savings with Clean Energy. Utilise green
energy sources like solar panels.

Customer Support

Our dedicated customer support team is always
here to help.

How does it Work?

Connect Your Charger

We communicate wirelessly
to control your charging.

Tell Us Your Electricity Tariff

We optimise your schedule
to save money.

Set Your Ready Time

Plug in and tell us when you
need your car. We handle
the rest.

Five star reviews from our users

Power up your future. Contact us today.

Ready to take the next step in efficient EV charging? Don’t just
charge, get charged up on value. Electric Miles – lowest prices, best
offer. Contact us to learn more.

Introducing Vestel’s Libra: The Home Charger You've Been Waiting For

Enhance your EV charging experience with Electric Miles, the leading software provider for the Libra charger range. Electric Miles has partnered with Vestel to give you a stylish and efficient home charger designed to make your electric vehicle charging experience effortless. Our advanced technology guarantees security and compliance with the latest regulations, ensuring peace of mind for operators, installers, and drivers alike. With a user-friendly setup, your Libra charger will be operational quickly and effortlessly.

Explore Our Features 

Benefits for Homeowners – Vestel+Electric Miles, a bundle offer you can’t miss:

Easy to install


Premium finish




Easy to use

Cost effective

Advance History

Optimised charging

Environmental Benefits

Customer Support

Easy to install

Hassle free installation means you’re up and
running before you know it


Supports private and public charging networks


Protection internally and externally ensures you’re in
safe hands

Easy to use

Effortlessly configure and commission the charger


Suitable for home or commercial use with dynamic load management.

Cost effective

Recurring revenue from EV charging with secure
customer payments

Premium finish

High quality casing, status indicators and option of
an LCD display screen.

Optimised charging

Smart Charging optimisation using solar and off-
peak tariffs to save up to £830 per year


Award winning concept that is both stylish and
affordable while not being limited on reliability or

Environmental Benefits

Contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable future
by reducing your carbon footprint.


With our trusted installation partners, you have one less thing for you to worry about. Just send us your information and we’ll reach out.

Learn More and Purchase

To learn more about the Vestel Libra and purchase your home charger Hardware Specifications 

5 fully Uk-compliant models
7.4kW to 22kW current output
7kW charging from a single-phase supply
Type 2 Socket or Tethered cable connection
RFID compatible
Wi-Fi or Ethernet connectivity
Smart charging with App control

Want to know more about Electric Miles?
Reach out to us here

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the most out of your EV charging experience!
Explore our driver FAQ for helpful tips and
troubleshooting guides.

View More

How do I download the Electric Miles app?

Electric Miles is available from both the Google Play store and the App Store, simply search for Electric Miles or click the links below:  

Google Playstore
Electric Miles – Apps on Google Play

App store
‎Electric Miles  

What Are the Steps to Connect and Charge My EV Successfully?
  • Connect the cable to your vehicle: Insert the charging cable securely into your EV.
  • Attach the other end to your charger: Plug the opposite end into your home or public charger.
  • Charging begins automatically: Your vehicle will start charging as soon as the connection is established.
  • Look for the green light: The charger will flash a green light to confirm that charging is in progress.
How do I contact Electric Miles support?

To submit your query, simply click on the “Submit a request” button at the top of the Help and Support page.

This will open a form for you to fill in with the details of your request.

Alternatively, you can use this link to access the form directly.

I have an RFID-compatible charger, can I use it with the Electric Miles app?

Certainly! If your charger is RFID-compatible, you can integrate it with the Electric Miles app effortlessly. Just follow the detailed instructions provided within the app to pair your RFID card, enabling a smooth and efficient charging experience

Have questions or feedback?

We always love to hear from you. Contact us via today.