We are Electric Miles and we make charging better
We aim to be the Central Nervous System for the connected grid, the network of energy producers and users in the UK. As both the grid and primary users continue to diversify rapidly, it has become clear that there is a need for a core technology to help coordinate generation and consumption behaviour, particularly around peak power, peak carbon, and peak cost events.

Why are we different?
Electric Miles is a B2B SaaS company providing EV charging software to charger manufacturers, installers, electricity suppliers and commercial EV fleets. As EV numbers increase, there is a growing need for software that can automatically time shift EV electricity demand to protect the grid and minimize customer energy costs. Hardware charger manufacturers, Energy Suppliers, Car OEMs often do not have the necessary software capability and EM is able to partner with them to provide this service.
Founded in 2019, by Arun Anand, a serial entrepreneur, EV driver, greenpreneur, and an Engineer, and passionate about building an Internet of Energy solution for Electric Miles with 15 years’ experience in the Energy Sector.
Arun Anand founded the business back in 2019 while he was still doing consultancy work with the Big 6. Having been frustrated at not being able to automate and optimise the charging of his EV, Arun kicked off few months of R&D, before starting development in 2019. Arun started with a proof-of-concept using his own EV and a home charger from the back of his garage using a developer resource. Once the concept was proven, Arun built relationship with his home charger manufacturer for a pilot, and since then scaled it with multiple charger manufacturers.
Driver centric
We put the drivers first and at the center of everything we do. We want to be the leader in smart charging so that we make their transition to EVs as seamless as possible.
Learning culture
We are here to learn, we don’t take anything for granted, we learn and we share with our colleagues, together we know we have a knowledge warehouse.
We work with passion
Passion is a testimony of our engagement and dedication in what we are doing. What passion and happiness we seek the best and commit to it.
We do what we say and believe
Being genuine and transparent, both internally and externally is our mantra. We are here to prepare UK for Net Zero which we believe will help fight climate change challenges.
Team Electric Miles
We’ve assembled a phenomenal team with expertise in energy, technology and venture building.
Electric Miles Mission Statement
Electric Miles is aiming to achieve the UN sustainable goals provided by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development.
We make charging better for drivers and the environment and monetise assets creating value for customers and shareholders.
Alongside our Mission Statement objectives we also follow and aim to achieve the UN sustainable goals provided by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs Sustainable Development.
Aim to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact, in addition to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.